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The CBER Forum is proud to announce the Crafting the Cryptoeconomy (CtCe) initiative, which is joint with the Uniswap Foundation. This initiative entails funding for research (upto $50,000 per year) and an annual conference. The annual conference is intended to educate researchers on the most recent developments in the cryptoeconomy and funding will be given specifically to proposals that address the most recent developments with rigor. We therefore highly encourage grant applicants to attend the CBER CtCe Conference. The inaugural CBER CtCe Conference will occur on October 25 - 26 in New York City at Columbia University.


October 3 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ET

Hosted by Barnabé Monnot (Ethereum Foundation)

Antoinette Schoar

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

What’s at Stake? Competition in Crypto Staking


October 17 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET
Hosted by Zhiguo He (Stanford University)


Naveen Durvasula
(Columbia University)

Robust Restaking Networks


Mallesh Pai
(Rice University)

 How much should you pay for Restaking Security?


November 7 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET

Hosted by Joshua T. White (Vanderbilt University)

Hester Peirce

Securities and Exchange Commission

Fireside Chat

PhD Job Market Candidates 2024

November 21 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET
Hosted by Kose John (NYU Stern)


Moty Moravvej
(University of Calgary)

Private Settlement in Blockchain Systems


Artem Streltsov
(Cornell University)

Perpetual Futures Contracts and Cryptocurrency Market Microstructure


Qiang Wang
(Penn State University)

The Effects of Margin Requirements in DeFi Lending Markets

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